So you’ve paid us a visit, liked what you’ve seen, and made a booking. What’s next? To make check-in a breeze, we suggest the following:

At Home

  1. Prepare kitty’s suitcase. This includes bedding, toys, food (if you’d like your cat on the same diet as at home), and perhaps a small item of your clothing, as familiar smells are always comforting in a new environment. Don't forget to label items that are important!
  2. Go to your paperwork drawer and retrieve your cat’s vaccination certificate. This is a condition of entry, and you should think of this as their passport to The Cat motel. Your vaccination certificate needs to show us that your cat has been vaccinated in the past 12 months, as this is a requirement of all Victorian catteries. NB. Failure to provide documentation outlined may result in the animal being turned away.
  3. Make a list (check it twice) outlining your cat’s habits, dietary and medication needs, vet and secondary contact details, etc. We love lists, and it will help you keep track of everything that’s required each time you board with us.
  4. Give kitty a treat, and pop them in their carrier ready for departure.

At the Cattery

  1. No dilly-dallying. It’s best that kitty is out of the car, and into the cattery to begin the settling in process. Make sure you bring your cat into the cattery in a secure carrier (as with vet clinics, this is done for everyone’s safety, and having four walls around them will keep them comforted)
  2. Allow enough time to discuss your needs, note vaccinations, as well as weigh your cat. Take the opportunity here to share kitty’s peculiarities and lament any recently-acquired habits.
  3. You will be given time to settle your cat in, and to give them one last smooch before you set off on your own adventure. This is an important part of the process, as that positive association makes for a smooth transition into cattery life.
  4. Be brave! Kitty knows you’re coming back, and that you love them (note that we also relish being love-proxies for your cat).

Copyright 2025 | All rights reserved | The Cat Motel Cattery, Coburg North, Melbourne